Root Canal Treatment in Riverbank, CA


Saving Your Natural Smile with Root Canal Care

When dental infections, cracks, or injuries threaten the viability of a treasured natural tooth, we understand the devastation it causes. Losing a healthy tooth can negatively impact speech, nutrition, confidence, and quality of life.

At Bell Family Dentistry in Riverbank, CA, we specialize in root canal procedures to save damaged, decayed, or infected teeth that would otherwise require extraction. We recognize each patient's situation is unique, which is why Dr. Brent Bell custom-tailors root canal treatment plans based on your needs, budget, and lifestyle goals. Let's work together to restore the confident, painless function of your tooth.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save an infected, decayed heavily, cracked, or injured tooth. During a root canal procedure, Dr. Brent Bell will remove the inflamed or infected pulp inside the tooth, clean and shape the inside of the tooth, then fill and seal it. After a root canal, the tooth can still function like any other tooth, as long as you take good care of it and get a crown placement to protect it.

When Do You Need a Root Canal Treatment?

There are several signs indicating you may need a root canal procedure performed by Dr. Brent Bell in Riverbank:

  • Severe Tooth Pain: A root canal is often needed when you have throbbing, severe tooth pain that makes it difficult to eat, sleep, or concentrate. The pain may be triggered by hot or cold foods and drinks.
  • Swelling Around the Tooth: An abscessed tooth can cause facial swelling and pain. Dr. Bell can open the tooth, drain the infection, and perform a root canal to remove all infected material.
  • Darkening Tooth: If a tooth darkens after an injury or decay, the nerve may be dying. A root canal is needed to clean the pulp and prevent further infection.
  • Continued Sensitivity After a Filling: Sometimes nerve inflammation continues after a regular filling is placed. A root canal can calm the irritation.

Root Canal Procedure Steps

During your root canal procedure in Riverbank, Dr. Brent Bell will follow these main steps:

  1. Numbing medication will be applied so you don't feel pain during treatment.
  2. A small protective sheet is placed to isolate the tooth. Dr. Bell will then gain access to the pulp chamber.
  3. The infected or inflamed pulp is removed using small dental instruments. The inside of the tooth root canal system is then cleaned, shaped, and disinfected.
  4. The cleaned tooth canal is filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. A temporary filling is placed.

Later, you’ll get a sturdy crown or other restoration placed on the tooth to protect it. Root canals often take just one visit, though some infections require two visits to fully clear.

Root Canal Aftercare

Root canal aftercare is vital for preserving your natural tooth after the procedure. Be sure to follow all of Dr. Bell's instructions, which will include:

  • Use prescribed medication to manage discomfort. Over-the-counter pain relievers may also help.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods on the treated tooth until you get the permanent crown placement.
  • Practice good oral hygiene to prevent infection from returning. Brush twice a day and floss daily.
  • See Dr. Bell as scheduled to place the permanent crown or filling one to two weeks after the root canal. This protects the tooth structure.

Properly caring for your tooth after root canal treatment is crucial for preventing reinfection and tooth loss. Avoiding injury to the tooth is also vital for preserving the root canal work. With proper long-term care, your natural tooth could last many years after successful treatment!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does getting a root canal treatment hurt?

No, getting a root canal treatment doesn’t hurt. You should not feel pain during the procedure due to the numbing medication. In the days following treatment, some minor discomfort is normal and should fade with over-the-counter pain relievers.

What are the risks of a root canal treatment?

Root canal risks may include infection returning if proper restoration work is not completed promptly after the procedure. Re-infection causes much greater risks of complications or tooth loss.

Do I need a crown after a root canal treatment?

It’s highly recommended to get a crown or other restoration placed one to two weeks after root canal treatment. This will protect the tooth structure long-term, which is more fragile after removing the inner pulp.

How long does a root canal procedure take?

Most root canal treatments take just one appointment lasting 60 to 90 minutes. Some more severe cases require two visits. After numbing medication is given, the procedure may take 30 to 60 minutes.

There's Hope for Your Hurting Smile

Tooth pain doesn't have to control your life. At Bell Family Dentistry, we understand the devastation of oral infections and tooth decay, and we guide our Riverbank patients toward the treatment they deserve.

We consider it our calling to save natural smiles whenever possible. Don't lose hope - take back your health by calling (209) 869-4505 to schedule emergency treatment or a consultation. Dr. Bell will listen with empathy, clearly explain your options, and custom-tailor a treatment plan aimed at preserving your teeth with optimal comfort. At Bell Family Dentistry, your well-being, confidence, and oral health are our top priority.