All-on-X Dental Implants: A Permanent Smile Solution in Riverbank, CA


The Revolutionary Alternative to Dentures

If you're missing all or most of your teeth, you may have resigned yourself to living with dentures. But there's a better solution that can restore your smile with permanent, natural-looking teeth. Dr. Brent Bell is proud to offer Riverbank residents new All-on-X dental implants! These dental implants use an innovative technique to give patients a brand new set of beautiful, functional teeth attached to dental implants.

Set up your consultation appointment by calling (209) 869-4505 or schedule one online here.

What Is All-on-X?

All-on-X is a proven system that allows an entire arch of teeth to be replaced with just four to six dental implants. The angled placement of the rear implants maximizes the use of available bone. This provides a sturdy base for a full bridge of replacement teeth that looks and functions just like your natural smile.

Unlike traditional dentures that can slip and make eating difficult, All-on-X implants are permanently anchored into the jawbone. This means you can eat all your favorite foods without worrying about your teeth moving or falling out. All-on-X also prevents further bone loss in the jaw, a common issue with dentures.

Are You a Candidate?

Most patients missing all or most teeth are candidates for All-on-X dental implants in Riverbank, CA from Dr. Brent Bell. Even those with diminished jawbone density may still qualify, thanks to advances like bone grafting to regenerate bone mass. During your consultation, Dr. Bell will evaluate your oral health through X-rays and a CT scan to ensure the All-on-X procedure is right for you.

The All-on-X Process

Getting your new smile with All-on-X implants typically takes two visits to Bell Family Dentistry's Riverbank office after your initial consultation:

Implant Placement Surgery - Dr. Bell will numb the area and place the implants at precise angles for maximum stability and bone integration. Temporary teeth may be attached the same day so you can leave with a smile.

Attaching the Permanent Bridge - After a few months of healing to allow the implants to fuse with your jawbone, you'll return to have your custom-crafted permanent bridge attached.

Dental Implant Aftercare

With proper care, your new All-on-X replacement teeth can last 20 years to a lifetime. Dr. Brent Bell advises patients in Riverbank, CA to:

  • Brush twice daily and floss once per day
  • Visit Bell Family Dentistry twice yearly for exams and cleanings
  • Avoid hard, sticky foods that could damage or dislodge the bridge
  • Never use your teeth as tools to open things
  • Stop smoking to promote jawbone healing and prevent complications

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the recovery period after All-on-X surgery?

Most patients feel back to normal within three to five days after their implant surgery, though it can take up to two weeks for any swelling and bruising to fully subside. Your dentist will have you follow a soft food diet initially as the implant sites heal.

Can I get All-on-X if I have gum disease?

Treating any existing gum disease is required before getting All-on-X implants. Your dentist will evaluate your gum health during your consultation and may recommend procedures like scaling and root planing to clear away diseased tissue before implant surgery.

Do All-on-X implants ever need to be replaced or tightened?

With proper at-home oral hygiene and regular dental visits, your All-on-X replacement teeth should never need adjustment, tightening, or replacement. The implants integrate permanently into your jawbone for a truly permanent smile solution.

Will my new All-on-X teeth feel and look natural?

Yes! The replacement teeth are custom-crafted from tooth-colored materials that blend seamlessly with any remaining natural teeth. The implant base also prevents the "sunken" appearance that often develops with traditional dentures over time.

Say Goodbye to Dentures: All-on-X Offers a Permanent Solution

If you live in Riverbank, Oakdale, or Escalon and are missing most or all of your teeth, it's time to reclaim your smile with All-on-X dental implants from Dr. Brent Bell at Bell Family Dentistry. Don't let traditional dentures compromise your confidence or hold you back any longer. With All-on-X, you can enjoy beautifully restored teeth that look, feel, and function just like your natural smile did.

Call (209) 869-4505 now to schedule a consultation and learn how this innovative solution can transform your life.