Dental Implant Placement in Riverbank, CA


Natural-Looking Dental Implant Solutions

Losing your teeth can affect how you eat, speak, and smile. Missing teeth impacts your self-confidence and quality of life. At Bell Family Dentistry, we understand. That's why we offer customized dental implant solutions so you can smile confidently again. Our caring Riverbank dental team, led by Dr. Brent Bell, will listen to your unique needs and craft an affordable treatment plan just for you.

With dental implants, you can restore your ability to eat your favorite foods and smile brightly again. We're here to help you regain your confidence to laugh, live life fully, and feel like yourself once more. Call us today at (209) 869-4505 to schedule a consultation or schedule one online here.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that Dr. Bell places in the jawbone to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Unlike traditional bridges or dentures, dental implants fuse to the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. This creates a strong, stable foundation for permanent replacement teeth that look, feel, and function similarly to natural teeth.

Dr. Bell offers dental implants at Bell Family Dentistry in Riverbank to patients who have lost or failing teeth that require extraction. Implants can effectively replace single teeth, or several teeth, or support a full arch of teeth to restore your smile and allow for comfortable chewing and speaking.

Single Implants

Once the implants have fully integrated with the jawbone, they’re ready to support the replacement teeth. Riverbank dentist Dr. Bell will take impressions of the implants and custom fabricates lifelike porcelain crowns, bridges, or dentures perfectly matched to the surrounding natural teeth.

The new artificial teeth are color-matched and sculpted for optimal esthetics. The custom-crafted restoration is then securely attached to the implant posts. Dental implants and restorations can last 20 years or longer with proper home care.

Implant Placement

The first step of implant placement is surgically inserting the titanium post deep into the jawbone during an outpatient procedure. Over the next few months, the jawbone will fuse tightly to the implant through osseointegration. Proper placement and depth allow the implant to become sturdy and act as an artificial tooth root.

Once healed, the implant can support single crowns, bridges, or full dentures. Dr. Bell may need to perform bone grafting or sinus lifts to prepare the implant sites properly, especially if the jawbone density is low.

Dental Bridges

If multiple adjacent teeth are missing, Dr. Bell may recommend a dental bridge secured to implants instead of single crowns. Custom-fabricated bridgework fused to dental implants provides a seamless, natural-looking smile using replacement teeth secured between two or more implant posts.

Bridges anchored to small-diameter implants conserve bone and can replace several missing teeth in one non-removable restoration that offers strength and stability.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do dental implants last?

With excellent oral care, implants can last 20 years or longer, making them a long-term tooth replacement solution. The surrounding bone and gums must stay healthy as well.

Are dental implants painful?

Your dentist administers local anesthesia to prevent discomfort during the minor implant surgery. Some sensitivity and swelling may occur during the first week of healing but can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication in most cases.

How long is the recovery time after getting an implant?

Initial healing takes about three to six months for the jawbone to integrate with the implant fully. Restorations can often be placed sooner. Patients can usually return to work in just one to two days after surgery.

Can implants fail?

With proper placement, bone quantity/quality, and ongoing hygiene care, dental implant failure rates are very low. Avoiding smoking and underlying health conditions can help prevent dental implant failure and complications.

Get Your Smile Back

Losing your teeth can negatively impact your quality of life and leave you feeling self-conscious. But you don't have to suffer with missing teeth or use uncomfortable dentures anymore. Dental implants offer a life-changing solution for permanently replacing teeth, restoring your confidence, and allowing you to eat the foods you love again.

Don't wait to get your smile back. Call Bell Family Dentistry today at (209) 869-4505 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brent Bell. He has transformed thousands of smiles with customized dental implant treatment right here in Riverbank.